11th day of the Xarxa a Debat: community mental health, towards emancipatory and critical practices

On Friday, January 26, at the College of Physicians of Barcelona, took place the 11th day of the Xarxa a Debat, this year dedicated to thinking about community mental health from an emancipatory and critical perspective. The day included an institutional inauguration and two round tables. We participated as speakers in the first round table, “Rethinking community mental health”, exposing the definition of mental health and linking its application to the model of citizenship. The session was co-organized by Fundació […]

Social inequalities and mental health: Promoting social justice. Palma

The talk showed how social determinants affect mental health and how to address them. Community resources, strategies and initiatives that combat social inequalities and that help promote emotional well-being and prevent mental health problems were made visible. In charge of: Bartolomé Rigo, pedagogue and technical coordinator at the Estel de Levante entity of 3 Mental Health, and member of the working group promoting the new 3 Mental Health care model. Noelia Garcia, psychologist, reference for addiction projects in the penitentiary […]

Citizenship as mental health

We have presented the progress of our project “Citizenship as mental health” that we carried out in collaboration with the emerging research group in Intervention in Clinical and Health Psychology and Promotion of Well-being of the University of Barcelona in an online workshop promoted by the Veus Federation. Go to the workshop here (spanish version) Go to the presentation (spanish version)

4th TuTo3 – PAT Meeting in Norway

From November 6 to 8 we attended the fourth work meeting planned by the European Erasmus+ project TuTo3 – PAT in Oslo (Norway). On day 6 we had the opportunity to visit a center for people in an advanced recovery process managed by the Salvation Army. In this completely open center, people freely associate to do sports or musical activities. Next, we met with a delegation of peer support workers from Norway who arrived a day in advance of the […]

Citizenship and Community Inclusion: Why it Matters and What We’ve Learned From Around the World

The Yale University Program for Recovery and Community Health team organized a Deparment of Psychiatry Grand Round to present the Citizenship 5Rs (rights, roles, resources, responsibilities, and relationships) and belonging framework, and how they influence policies, research, and intervention programs implemented around the world. The Grand Round was also in recognition of Professor Michael Rowe. You can watch it here. Go to the presentation

Participation in the international conference “Refocus on Recovery 2023” (Nottingham).

On September 6th and 7th, Francesc Gómez Morales and Anna Ballesteros Urpí, who collaborate in the “Citizenship as Mental Health” project, attended the international conference “Refocus on Recovery 2023” in Nottingham. GR1P proposed a paradigm shift in the evaluation of mental health interventions: measuring citizenship as the main outcome and considering symptoms only as determinants, among many others. Francesc Gómez Morales gave a half-hour presentation in a plenary session that aroused much interest and a lively debate around the concept […]

Is it possible to change the paradigm in psychiatric hospitalization?

We have participated in the conclusion day of the 2022‑2023 academic year of the Catalan Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (SCPSM). During the event, we served as moderators for a panel discussion that focused on significant topics such as open-door hospitalizations, Zero Restraint policies, and reflections around the restrictive levels of resources.